Dear Future Self

Dear Future Self,

You’re 40 now – how much more are the bones aching? How’s your back feeling? Are the knees creaking and cracking even more?

All jokes aside, I hope you’re well. I hope you’re in a nice place both physically and mentally.

I hope I’ve worked enough, been stubborn enough, fought hard enough, been brave enough to get your songs out – and perhaps have a book out, too.

I hope the visions and stories constantly running through your head no longer exist only inside your head but outside as well.

I hope I’ve been brave enough as 30-year-old you that you don’t feel any semblance of regret or feel as if you’ve missed out on anything.

I hope I’ve done some good in the 10-year-difference between us and that I’ve lived and not simply existed.

I hope the little actions I’ve been taking recently have led to some positivity and great big leaps for you.

I hope I’ve done you justice. I hope I’ve made you proud to be you.

I hope you continue to find bravery in the Fire that’s in you – you know it’s there, just show it.

Cheers to us!