Plaids and Eights

August 08, 2018. A Wednesday.

At around 8pm, as I was taking a stroll around the office trying to walk off the chicken proven I had for dinner, I caught up with a colleague I hadn’t hung out with in awhile. I decided to walk with her for a bit.

She pointed at my plaid polo and said, ‘Oh, I thought you had it on inside out’.

‘What?’, I said, trying to brush it off thinking how silly of her, I mean, I’d know if the thing I was wearing was worn the wrong way.

She then pointed at the stitching. I paused. Then ultimately had to admit the human error.

I went back to my station thinking I could just wing this. After all, I’m more than halfway through my shift now, I even stood infront of a class for nearly two hours and have not had any problems with my outfit.

I thought I could wing it. Simply brush it off as a style choice. Then I remembered the ginormous tag situated at the neck of the polo. I realized how wrong I was.

I then flipped the polo and put it on properly.

Oh, to be human.